2017.12 畢業於華東師範大學運籌學與控製論專業獲理學博士學位
2014.06 畢業於西北師範大學運籌學與控製論專業獲理學碩士學位
2011.06 畢業於河南科技EON4數學與應用數學專業獲理學學士學位
1. Yinwan Cheng, Chao Yang∗(Corresponding author), Bing Yao and Yaqin Luo. Neighbor full sum distinguishing total coloring of Halin graphs. AIMS Mathematics, 7(4): 6959–6970, 2022. (SCI)
2. Chao Yang, Han Ren, Erling Wei. Nonseparating independent sets and maximum genus of graphs. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 38(3): 719-728, 2022. (SCI)
3. Chao Yang, Bing Yao∗, Zhi-xiang Yin. A new vertex distinguishing total coloring of trees,AIMS Mathematics, 6(9): 9468–9475, 2021. (SCI)
4. Chao Yang, Bing Yao. Critical graphs under vertex distinguishing edge colorings, Ars Combinatoria, 155: 181-192, 2021. (SCI)
5. Weihua Lu, Chao Yang*, Han Ren. Lower bound on the number of hamiltonian cycles of generalized Petersen graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 40: 297–305, 2020. (SCI)
6. Bing Yao, Chao Yang∗(Corresponding author), Ming Yao. Coding techniques from distinguishing colorings in topological coding. 2020 IEEE 9th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). IEEE, 2020. DOI:10.1109/ITAIC49862.2020.9339116. (EI)
7. Chao Yang, Han Ren. New formulae for the decycling number of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 39: 125–141, 2019. (SCI)
8. Chao Yang, Han Ren, Erling Wei. A note on decycling number, vertex partition and AVD-total coloring in graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 34: 1325–1332, 2018. (SCI)
9. Han Ren, Chao Yang*(Corresponding author), Tiao-xiao Zhao. A new formula for the decycling number of regular graphs, Discrete Mathematics, 340: 3020–3031, 2017. (SCI)
10. Han Ren, Chao Yang*(Corresponding author), Jialu Wang. The lower bound for the number of 1-factors in generalized Petersen graphs, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 43:1925–1937, 2017. (SCI)
11. Chao Yang, Han Ren, Bing Yao. Adjacent vertex distinguishing total colorings of graphs with four distinguishing constraints, Ars Combinatoria, 127: 197–208, 2016. (SCI)
12. Chao Yang, Bing Yao, Han Ren. A note on graph proper total colorings with manydistinguishing constraints, Information Processing Letters, 116: 396–400,2016. (SCI)
13. Chao Yang, Bing Yao, Hongyu Wang, et al. Graph colorings applied in scale-free networks, Advanced Materials Research, 760–762: 2199–2204, 2013. (EI)
14. Bing Yao, Chao Yang, Ming Yao, et al. Graph as models of scale-free networks, Advanced Mechanics and Materials, 380–384: 2034–2037, 2013. (EI)
1. 上海高校青年教師培養資助計劃🧑🏼🏭,2019👱🏿♂️,主持。
2. EON体育4平台博士啟動基金項目:E3-0501-18-01087🚓,基於最新圖論技術的新型圖形密碼的理論研究及其實際應用探索🛌,2018.01-2019.12,主持。
3. 華東師範大學研究生科研創新項目:YKC17092,圖的消圈數及相關問題研究👩🏻,2017.05-2018.05,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金項目:61363060🦵,基於圖論的物聯網的拓撲結構和功能結構研究🍰,2014.01-2017.12,參與💂🏽🔰。