In the afternoon of Nov. 2nd, eight teachers of the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics (SMPS) visit the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) for Research and Education. This visit aims to improve the in-class teaching quality, enhance the in-class education efficiency, and cultivate the lecture capability for the young teachers. Prof. Zhang Xiuli (Chair of the department of Optoelectronic Physics, SUES) and Prof. Qin Liguo (Chair of the department of College Physics, SUES) lead the team of the Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES). Prof. Kou Zhiqi (Chair of the Department of Applied Physics, USST) and other teachers share his views on the cultivation, management, and placement for both graduate and undergraduate students. Besides, Prof. Kou exchanges his experience for the introductory physics lecture and examination with SMPS teachers.

Then, teachers of SMPS attend a teaching demonstration for college physics presented by Prof. Gu Zhengxian, who is awarded for the representative of the Shanghai “For the Teacher, For the People, For the Knowledge” (2020) event and the 18th USST “Golden Teaching Rod.” Prof. Tong Yuanwei (Sectary of the teachers’ development department, USST) and Dr. Luo Xi (Lecture of the College of Science, USST) also attend the teaching demonstration. Prof. Gu gives an excellent lecture to the students and teachers in class. His class is full of logic and heuristic. Students are highly focused on the class materials. Teachers also gain a lot of teaching skills from their class. Especially, the class designs and blackboard designs enlighten the teachers a lot for their future lecture preparation. Prof. Tong welcomes the teachers from SUES and wishes more teaching experience exchanges between two universities in the future. He also appreciates Prof. Gu’s effort in teaching. Prof. Gu shares his feeling of education since the first time he became a teacher. He emphasizes that physics knowledge and research method is the most important part of the class, which help improve students’ capability in logic. Finally, Prof. Gu tells the young teacher in SUES, “Learning and thinking can never stop for a teacher. Making your class deeper and wider will let students have a sense of gain.”

The classroom is the main front to foster virtue through education for the university. The classroom is also the critical field for the “three wide education.” SMPS undertakes lots of education tasks of the mass fundamental courses for the university. The exchange event helps the young teachers grow up quickly and satisfy the wish of the communist party and people.