Dr. Xu Jingwei, Deputy Director of the International Exchange Office of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, invited to give an ASSIN certification counseling

Publisher: 熊浩PublishTime: 2024-04-15Views: 10

Zhou Jing

In order to further promote the school' sinternational cooperation and exchange, and better carry out the ASSIN certification of major of data computation and applications, the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics invited Dr. Xu Jingwei, Deputy Director of the International Exchange Office of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, to give a lecture entitled "The Practice of the German Engineering Education Certification System in the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology" on April 12th.

Dr. Xu Jingwei introduced in detail the two categories of the major international engineering education certification systems, with special emphasis on the requirements of the German engineering certification system in terms of quality assurance and testing, and the setting of curriculum modules. Based on the analysis of the German engineering education certification system, the practice of ASIIN certification in Shanghai University for Science and Technology was analyzed and a warm discussion washeld with the participating teachers.

Through the symposium, the teachers' understanding of ASIIN certification was further deepened, and the German ASIIN certification of Data Computation and Applications of our institute was promoted.

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