• Kai Yue, Assoc.Prof. the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics,has guided his postgraduate students to achieve important research results in the field of integrable systems and soliton theory

    Publisher: 熊浩PublishTime: 2024-04-25Views: 11

    Zhou Jing

    Recently, Li Yaqian, a postgraduate student supervised by Assoc. Prof. Kai Yueof the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, published a paper Wave structures and the chaotic behaviorsof the cubic-quartic nonlinear Schrodinger equation for parabolic law in birefringent fibers” in the journal “Nonlinear Dynamics(Section 1, Chinese Academy of Sciences, IF=5.6), which was selected into ESI Highly Citedpaper.

    Another postgraduate student, Yang Rong, has published a paper “Dynamical properties, modulation instability analysis and chaotic behaviors to the nonlinear coupled Schrodinger equation in fiber Bragg gratings in thewell-known journal Modern Physics Letters B(District 2, Chinese Academy of Sciences, IF=1.9), which  was selected into ESI Hot paper.

    Focusing on the field of mathematical physics, Assoc. Prof. Kai Yue has carried out analytical and numerical research on various nonlinear differential equations. He has published several papers as the first author orcorresponding author in international famous academic journals such as Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Nonlinear Dynamics and Physica A, and has achieved many innovative results in the field of solitons and integrable systems.

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